It's better late than never! I finally saw Ant-Man and the Wasp today! My friend, Charlotte had been asking me to see the movie for a while. And asking. And asking. I finally saw it! It wasn't like I DIDN'T want to see it. I did. Life gets in the way. Friends get busy and there isn't enough hours in the day. Eh, it is what it is. Let's get right down to it. What did I think?
I liked it!
I mean it wasn't bad or anything. Far from it. The movie shows what Scott Lang had been up to since he was noticeably absent from Avengers: Infinity War. More on that in a second. The actors did really well. Paul Rudd was great as Scott/Ant-Man. Michelle Pfieffer was great was Janet van Dyne. The actors all did a really good job.
Michelle, I think, nailed the part of Jan aka the original Wasp. If you remember my
top ten Avengers video, I listed her as one of my favorite Avengers of all time. She nailed the character's playful nature, wit, attitude and most importantly brains. If she and Michael Douglas's Hank Pym were a lot younger, I could see them as original Avengers with RDJ, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, ScarJo and Ruffalo. The actors Marvel Studios picks to play the characters so far have been amazing. It's like they leap from the page and onto the screen. It's really cool to see especially since twenty years ago movies like this were just a pipe dream.
I also wonder if they are settling something up with Cassie. She seemed kind of sad that Scott didn't want her as a partner. Cassie, as some people might know grows up to become the heroine Stature and later Stinger. That bit makes me wonder if they are setting up Young Avengers down the road. It honestly wouldn't surprise me.
There really hasn't been a truly awful movie from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The only thing people might not like is the pacing. But, that's okay. After we saw Avengers Infinity War earlier this year, I think we needed a break from the crazy that happened in that movie. I'm glad they saved that connection until the mid-credit scene. If you haven't seen it by now, I dunno if I should spoil. There is a connection to Infinity War and the cliffhanger makes me wonder how we're going to see Rudd's Ant-Man in the next Avengers movie.
It was still a fun ride. From a standalone standpoint, it was a great sequel to an already cool movie. Ant-Man was amazing in its own right and it's great to see him partner with the winsome Wasp here. Sure it's Hope van Dyne but she still counts.
Ant-Man and the Wasp is a fun installment from Marvel Studios. It was great seeing everyone after that really emotional Avengers Infinity War. The MCU continues to have dark and light balanced together and that's a good thing.
Before I go, I do want to mention that it's good that the movie doesn't have a traditional "mwhahaha I am a baddie!" antagonist. Everyone has their own ulterior movies and believes what they are doing is right. That's how you right a villain. No one is evil for evil's sake and you feel bad for the Ghost. In the end a lot of elements make this movie one to see. There's humor, heart, action, light, dark bits and fantastical elements. It's basically what we've come to expect from Marvel Studios.
I've yet to see anything really awful from Marvel Studios and with ten solid years under their belt already, I doubt we ever will. Here's to ten more years of the Marvel Cinematic Universe!
Now go out there and see Ant-Man and the Wasp! Unless you did already!
See ya next time!
Oh and Stan's cameo was amazing and works on so many levels. =)