Sunday, September 25, 2022

Starbolts #600: Dendra


Hails and horns!

    Welcome to the 600th edition of the Starbolts! This week's comic is special on many fronts. Not only does it show the birth of Sara and Firaxil's daughter, Dendra. It's also marking a new beginning for a few characters as well. This milestone comic also shows Crystal extending an olive branch to her old rival, Valentina. Just last comic she and Simon decided to take up residence at the academy. Val probably did not expect to see her so soon! I guess some people really can change. We'll be seeing more of their interactions, soon.

    As far as Sara goes, she's still suffering some anxiety from when Clive cut into her. That's why her heart monitor went crazy. Luckily, she has Firaxil, Aquita and her medical team around to assist when the situation calls for it. Terra Nova left a mark on the poor lady. But, her life is going to change once things settle down. After all she just got a new baby. And that baby eventually grows up to be the pink time ranger who helped the Starbolts a while back. The circle is now complete!

    Now, what do we have in store for the future? Well, we're not stopping any time soon. We have so much more story to tell. I hope you all stick around because this train is not stopping! Starbolts #600 marks a new beginning for our heroes. What more could happen in the comics to come?

Stay tuned! See ya next time!

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Starbolts #599: The Ties that Bind




    Next week is a big week! Sara and Firaxil are finally going to have their baby in the epic 600th comic! While that is exciting news we do have some great news in this week's comic to talk about! After finally tethering Crystal and Marcus are thinking about marriage and taking that next step in their relationship. Given everything they've been through in just this year alone it makes sense to give the two some semblance of a happily ever after! We knew this was eventually going to happen anyway!

     It is funny how Marcus went right into the pond with his clothes on. He was a little ummm....distracted by the gorgeous redhead in front of him. I'm sure Angela and Kevin won't mind. Crystal tends to have that effect on people.

    We've already gone over how much the two love each other. I don't think it needs any further explanation. However, the tethering process made the two actually feel their love. They were able to touch it and understand it. They definitely can't wait to tell Sara and Firaxil what happened. Of course they'd be kind of busy at the moment. There's the whole "bringing their child into the world" thing. It'll be covered for sure. Just have patience!

    It's been a long time coming for the baby to arrive, too. Sara discovered she was pregnant way back in Starbolts #453.  So it's been about eight months since the events of that comic. With that said, I should really get around to updating the old timeline page, huh? Yikes. I can do that some other time!

Time for Starbolts #600! See ya there!

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Starbolts #598: Rock and Soul




    Wow! There are quite a few bombshells in this week's comic aren't there? The first and most obvious one is finding out that Valentina Ferrara aka Valentine once had a very romantic relationship with Sola. As you might recall. Sola was actually Sara's split personality and was dominant up until the day she was rescued. Before that day Sara watched all of Sola's antics and couldn't do anything to stop her. Sola was told not to go after boys after Clive scolded her and caught her with two men. So, she went after girls instead. Yeah, that worked out REAL well. You can't stop teenagers from doing what they want....

    There's definitely more to the story as we head into Starbolts #600. How is Crystal going to handle having her rival around? That and the fact that she was in a relationship with her twin sister? So much drama! 

    We'll have to worry about that later. The baby is coming! YAAAAAAAY!

See ya next time!

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Starbolts #597: Rock of Ages




    Well, Granite's back and he certainly make an impact on his friends, Valentine and Simon. What could he possibly want with Val? And why can't people just leave those two alone?! Seriously. Those two just want to be left alone and are constantly harassed by fellow former members of the Legion. At this point I think they need a restraining order on any and all metahumans, magic users and anyone else who tries to get in the way of them wanting to live happily ever after!

    Granite seems to want to rebuild the Legion. He also seems to have a fair bit more of his marbles than the last time we saw him back in Starbolts #350. I remember those comics. That was when the Legion took over the Watchtower and Syntax took control of the station's A.I. Good times! 

    Speaking of Syntax, it seems Holly has feelings for her former comrades, Simon and Val. That's interesting considering Syntax used those two when the bot went all "Cybermen" on London in Starbolts #208. Wow. Those comics were so long ago and here we are approaching Starbolts #600 in just a few weeks! This should be wrapped up by then. What could Granite want? Find out next time

See ya then!