Saturday, September 21, 2024

Starbolts #699: Partners in Crime


    As if it wasn't clear already, Crystal and Marcus are made for each other. They compliment each other nicely and that makes them the perfect partners in crime. Well, they are superheroes. The sentiment still holds! We've got a nice little romantic payoff this week and for the 700th comic I'll be taking a break from the action to see how things pay off. Judging by the ring in the last panel, I think you'll see where this is going. But, don't worry! This won't be the usual "man proposes to woman" trope. I'll be doing something a little different next time and I hope everyone enjoys it!

    Meanwhile Tom got himself into a huge pickle as Marcus put it. He was in some serious trouble with the locals and his universal translator malfunctioned at the worst possible moment. It's never a good sign when an alien princess wants to hurt you and ideally you shouldn't stop for a second in a dark alley in a strange neighborhood. Good thing Marcus came by to save him albeit reluctantly. Other people would have let him suffer a bit. Marcus has a good heart. But, Tommy was definitely not grateful. Because of this he's not going to learn the truth about Zarantha and Hexuba's customs.

    The way I see it. Hexuba and Crystal talked a lot about Tom on the way to the garage and in the air. That was when they created the plan to trick Tom. In order for it to work, Marcus had to be kept in the dark. I'm sure he would have kept his mouth shut. But, it's better to be safe than sorry. I'm sure we'll see Hexuba and her father, R'ndor again some day. Diplomatic channels are now open so anything is possible.

Next time the comic celebrates its 700th edition! I hope everyone enjoys it! See ya then! 

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