A little while ago I got back from seeing the second movie in the new main series Star Wars movies, Star Wars: The Last Jedi. I can honestly say I liked it. There was plenty of action, good story moments and a few twists that kept you wondering what was going on. Thankfully, I avoided spoilers for this one. I love Star Wars as much as the next guy and I wanted to be surprised.
It was good seeing Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker once again. I grew up with him as Luke Skywalker and he was a great childhood hero. Mark was also good as the Joker in Batman: The Animated Series and of course his role in the Wing Commander games were great. He did a fantastic job here.
Seeing Carrie Fisher as Leia was a bit bittersweet as it was her last role. It makes me wonder what they are going to do with her character in episode 9. She definitely had a screen presence in the movie and it was a nice touch to have the film dedicated to her memory. That's the only spoiler I am going to give. Then again, that was sort of a given. It's a non spoiler. It's something you knew was going to happen if you were a fan of the franchise or not.
Of the new characters, I think I like Rey and Poe the most. Poe is impulsive. I do wish we knew more of his backstory. Rey is also great this time around. She's given a little bit more character than in the first one.
Overall I'd give Star Wars: The Last Jedi 4/5 stars because it's fun to be back in that galaxy far, far away and have a new adventure with heroes from the past and heroes of today. It's a good story and it has a decent moral. For that, I am afraid I'd have to spoil things.
I had a good time watching it and I suggest you go with friends or have a crowd. It definitely makes it a great theater going experience.
Looking forward to episode 9. May the Force be with you.
P.S. How about that Avengers: Infinity War trailer? THAT I can't wait to see. Expect a blog about that!
See you next time!