Oh, Poor Tanis. His day started so well, didn't it? Let's recap shall we? He rejoined the Starbolts in the hopes of clearing his reputation and found that a woman named Heidi really liked him. They had intimate relations and it turned out Heidi was really working for Cyclone Consulting, a organization that's been a recent thorn in the Starbolts' side. Heidi was hired by Cyclone to seduce a Starbolt and to get information on aliens from them.
Heidi had second thoughts about her mission and came clean to the Starbolts. She urged them to help save her family in case Cyclone decided to act on Heidi's betrayal. So, Tanis and Carter decided to take the ship that brought Firaxil to Earth and save her family. When they get to Omaha they come face to face with not only her parents but a guy named Josh.
Josh is the captain of the football team and Heidi's former boyfriend. The awkward levels have now gone through the roof. How is Tanis going to compete with Mister Football here? Well, he may not have anything to worry about since Heidi said she had her fill of jocks a long time ago. We'll see how things go! Tanis's journey has just begun. Will Josh be competition or will he not stand in the way? Time will tell.
All I know is that he'd better heed Carter's warning and not blow it with her.
Special thanks go out to my friend and fellow Wikitreer Wendy Callahan! This week she and I discussed where in Omaha the Monroes lived. I thought about having them live in Carter Lake since well...Carter's name is also Carter. She said that wasn't a good idea. So, I had to choose between Aksarben and Elkhorn. Elkhorn, as it turns out, is a ritzy neighborhood in Omaha. So, I decided to go with that one because of Mr. Monroe's job.
I appreciate a lot of help on geography when I know little about the area. We'll see how the Starbolts handle their trip to Nebraska next week.
See ya next time!
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