Saturday, July 6, 2024

Starbolts #688: Race to the Top


    Looks like Jack is in deep trouble this week. Nautilus has been sent to wake up the witch Zarantha and there's nothing he or anyone else can do about it. Longtime readers of the comic know her quite well. She very famously erased Cece's mind and made her forget she was a void witch. She was also a thorn in the Starbolts' side for quite some time. She also has a bizarre fascination with Crystal. We'll be exploring that later. If you were to compare the two witches in the comic, Zarantha and Medea, I'd go with Medea being better. Why? Because you can reason with Medea and she is on the road to redemption. There's nothing redeeming about Zarantha and when she wakes up all hell is going to break loose for our heroes. Ler's hope they can take her down.

    Meanwhile, it looks like Iron Eagle is taking a well deserved nap after fighting Jack. He's a bit older than him so he's not exactly in top form. Growing up Jack idolized both his mother and the second Iron Eagle. Too bad the second one turned out to be ten shades of crazy. This likely isn't the last we'll be seeing of him. Stay tuned for that and for Zarantha's return. When she wakes, the Starbolts are in danger and one red-haired Starbolt is going to be in her crosshairs!

Stay tuned!


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