Sunday, July 28, 2024

Starbolts #691: Finding the Cleaver



     It turns out that Crystal is trapped in the Outlands with Tom White aka Tornado. If that wasn't bad enough, she's in the old Terra Nova/D.I.S.C.O.R.D. base Zarantha teleported to another dimension. The Outlands is a mysterious dimension akin to Marvel's "Negative Zone".  It was discovered by Terra Nova and they've been using/exploiting the area for quite some time.  Zarantha teleported Discord Island there some time ago and if you recall the island was also the place where Cobra killed Soldier Six and nearly killed Crystal's brother, Jack. Yeah, there's a lot of bad juju associated with the place.

    Of course Tom doesn't care about any of that. He just wants Crystal and took her to his old room in the hopes of having sex with her. Thankfully, that didn't go anywhere! Even if Zarantha didn't put a curse on Tom Crystal would have surely kicked him and made a break for it. She did escape from that base before and she could do it again. However, I think Marcus might arrive in the Outlands before Crystal can put her plan into action.

    I think Zarantha will of course have her hands full with Nikki. It should be noted that Nikki isn't cheating on her husband Cal here. I think it's clear that Nikki is in a polygamous relationship with both Heather and Calvin. Calvin is also in a relationship with both women. So, no cheating is involved. Nikki, however, seems to have the same magical powers her "sisters" Crystal and Carter have. So, that will be an interesting battle for sure!

    While that's going on, Crystal still has to deal with Tom. Let's hope she can hold out until help arrives. I still need to go into details in comic about why Zarantha wants Crystal so badly. Sure she wants her soul. But, why? That's a great question and it will be answered soon! Very soon!

 See ya next time!

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Starbolts #690: Fighting Fear


    Well, it turns out Zarantha's plan all along was to take Crystal's soul and our heroine has every reason to be afraid considering what happened to her sister. Carter's soul was cut using a "soul cleaver" and clones were created using pieces of her soul. Eventually, they were all reintegrated while she was in the pools in Elisua as seen in Starbolts #609. Well, not every clone was reintegrated. One clone, Nikki, is still out there. She was last seen many comics ago and may soon make a return. You never know.

    As far as Crystal goes, this week I wanted to show her as being strong and vulnerable at the same time. On the outside she was of course very mad about the situation. she was placed in. Who could blame her? A woman with her history shouldn't have been plucked from her bed like that. So, she reacted the only way she could. She acts tough on the outside and yet on the inside she's scared.

  She handled Tom fine without her powers. Even without magic she's still a dangerous woman. She focused on her fighting skills more than magic and it shows here. That doesn't mean she isn't magically inclined. She was still able to make the mystical connection with Marcus and communicate with him over vast distances.  Their connection is hard to explain. I'd like to think that they saw into their hearts and connected beyond spiritually.

    Marcus and Crystal had been practicing the bonding ritual since they first heard about it back when he had Demonstorm in his head. They went to the Arlandero ranch in El Paso to sort out their feelings and connections. They tried to connect once in between Starbolts #598 and #599. It started to fade and so they decided to try and make it stick. I'd say it finally succeeded. Crystal may not be as strong as Carter in the magic department. But, you can't argue with the results when she puts her mind to it.

    Zarantha wants Crystal's soul because hers was likely lost and since Crystal isn't as strong as Carter, it makes her an easy target. The witch always knew she had magical potential because of who her father is. She's gonna need some more mystical protection and training to keep the target off her back. It remains to be seen if she'll be able to get out of this situation. Contact has been made and our heroes are poised to take the action to Zarantha and save their friend.

   See ya next time!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Starbolts #689: A Nightmare Scenario


    Zarantha has woken up from her coma and she means business! For those who don't know she was put into that state by Nightstrike's leader Ethan Knight back in Starbolts #373 when he realized that there was no reasoning with her. For unknown reasons she always had her eyes set on Crystal and now that she's a void witch she has an even bigger target on her back! However, our heroine isn't the same woman she was when they last fought each other. It's been a little over a year in the comic since Crystal saw her and a lot has changed. Crystal is way more confident. She might end up saving herself from Zarantha. You never know.

    However, Crystal might need some clothes before she goes anywhere. Zarantha kidnapped her at a very ummm....intimate time. That's the most PG way of putting it. Zarantha doesn't seem to care about romance or anything like that. She just wants Crystal and we'll be exploring that as we march toward Starbolts #700. Let's just hope Tom can keep his hands to himself. The guy's a creep and even without her powers I'm confident that she can take him out. She's still a very good fighter.

    Zarantha got herself a younger body as she was well over six hundred years old and being in a coma weakened her. So, she sought out the youthful energy of a nearby young woman. That's pretty gross. I wonder what happened to the lady whose youthful vigor she stole. Never mind. I don't want to think about it.  

    As far as Jack goes, it looks like he's going to have his hands full with Nautilus. Let's hope our heroes can get to Crystal before Zarantha does any more harm to her. Marcus will definitely be leading the charge. He is going to be BIG mad next comic. VERY mad. Stay tuned!

See ya next time!

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Starbolts #688: Race to the Top


    Looks like Jack is in deep trouble this week. Nautilus has been sent to wake up the witch Zarantha and there's nothing he or anyone else can do about it. Longtime readers of the comic know her quite well. She very famously erased Cece's mind and made her forget she was a void witch. She was also a thorn in the Starbolts' side for quite some time. She also has a bizarre fascination with Crystal. We'll be exploring that later. If you were to compare the two witches in the comic, Zarantha and Medea, I'd go with Medea being better. Why? Because you can reason with Medea and she is on the road to redemption. There's nothing redeeming about Zarantha and when she wakes up all hell is going to break loose for our heroes. Ler's hope they can take her down.

    Meanwhile, it looks like Iron Eagle is taking a well deserved nap after fighting Jack. He's a bit older than him so he's not exactly in top form. Growing up Jack idolized both his mother and the second Iron Eagle. Too bad the second one turned out to be ten shades of crazy. This likely isn't the last we'll be seeing of him. Stay tuned for that and for Zarantha's return. When she wakes, the Starbolts are in danger and one red-haired Starbolt is going to be in her crosshairs!

Stay tuned!