Saturday, June 29, 2024

Starbolts #687: BIg Trouble in Pasadena


    Looks like Jack found a bit more than he bargained for when he went to investigate Cyclone Consulting. Who would have guessed the second Iron Eagle would have been at the building? Well, with the Director around you can bet his friend Steve can't be too far behind. It looks like Steve wants to be America's ONLY red, white and blue themed superhero. That's not going to sit well with Jack. So, a fight next comic is inevitable. Personally, I'm betting on Jack to come out on top. 

    If that wasn't bad enough, it looks like Nautilus is back in the picture. Zack was originally busted by Crystal back in Starbolts #500. She had just been made Lady Liberty and Zack has been hired by the Director to revive Zarantha. That is bad. Very bad. Zarantha is a powerful witch and it took powerful wizards to take her down. That's why she's being held by the mystic team, Nightstrike. 

 Will Nautilus be successful in freeing the witch from captivity? Time will tell. It's about time she comes back anyway. As far as Steve here goes, I don't think there's anything redeeming him. Something's going to happen to that Iron Eagle. I won't reveal what it is. But, I can guarantee that our friend here is going to be permanently on the outs with the hero community. Such a shame! Look forward to the fireworks next week!

See ya then!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Starbolts #686: That Old Red Magic


    There's nothing like a big romantic payoff after a long adventure and Crystal and Marcus deserve one for sure. I mean she had to deal with one of the biggest creeps in the world and she definitely expertly handled him very well. Sebastian never had anyone say "no" to him and he finally got a huge wake-up call. Will he change for the better? It's hard to say. I'm not sure if I'll ever use that sprite ever again. He might be better off as a one-off character or something. His father might show up. Sebastian himself? I don't know. But, I can tell you how the interrogation went. 

    Crystal gave him a choice. Her or Firaxil. Once he made his choice, Crystal made herself untouchable and asked him questions. It sucks that she had to turn herself invisible in the first place. She promised herself and the spell that she'd only use that power as a last resort. She actually talked to her invisibility and claw spells back in Starbolts #554. They agreed to only show up when needed. She used her claws spell when she fought Ruby and scarred her face. However, she hadn't use the invisibility spell since Starbolts #554!

    That's a big deal. But, it was definitely needed like I said. Sebastian was a creep and definitely had some lusty desires for Crystal. Marcus on the other hand is a good guy. I'd like to think that the spells now know the difference between lust and love. At least I HOPE they do. Either way, they're both in for a romantic night. They deserve it. 

    It looks like Carter and Firaxil had a romantic evening, too! Good for them! I think they'll see the respite in order to prepare for what's coming. That organization is still out there and our heroes need to be ready!

See ya next time!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Starbolts #685: The Lady in Red

Trigger warning: This comic contains a complete and utter sexist pig!


    WOW! Do I have thoughts about this week's comic. It's clear that Sebastian Edwards is a sexist creep with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. What's funny is that now he's in way over his head. Guys like him eventually do get a reckoning in one form or another. In this case, our friend here has met an Inobe brick wall with no qualms about sending him into the heart of a collapsing star. If he wasn't a good guy, Firaxil would have done just that. I don't think anyone would have felt sorry for him.

    I was a bit reluctant to write the dialog like I did as I don't enjoy writing creeps. But, I did have to get the point across and I wanted Sebastian to be the creepy son of a rich land developer. Crystal has had to deal with men like him outside the team and now that she's a lot older and wiser she is better equipped to handle the creeps who like her just because nature was very kind to her. Her mother is right. If she is to be Lady Liberty she has to face her fears and this unfortunately include guys like Sebastian Edwards.

    At least Firaxil was on hand to help with the mission. I bet if Marcus was there he'd have had the same reaction he had at dinner. Even though he is a bit smaller than the spaceman when he's in his "Hulk" form, Marcus can find a way to be intimidating. His quick wit more than makes up for the sheer force his friend Firaxil has in abundance.

    Marcus and Crystal still have their big anniversary to celebrate. So, look forward to a romantic payoff next week. The question is did she manage to convince Carter to take Firaxil out, too. I mean it's his anniversary, too! They were both liberated from Camp Arronfeld at the same time. So, he has just a big reason to celebrate as Crystal. He should enjoy himself every once in a while. We'll see if he takes that offer. We know Marcus and Crystal will have a good night. Stay tuned for part two of this interrogation!

See ya next time!

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Starbolts #684: Safer than a Safe


    I think Marcus had a great day all things considered. Sure he had to contend with space lizards and their made-to-order robot versions of his friends. He still managed to get a gem for Crystal's ring while he and Carter proved that several dinosaurs managed to survive their own extinction event! All in a day's work for Marcus and Carter, right? After that discovery, I think Carter's on her way to winning the Nobel and several other awards. 

    So, it looks like Marcus got quite the rock for Crystal. It was once in Terra Nova's hands courtesy of Elisabeth King, the former chairwoman of Terra Nova. Soon it will be on Crystal's hands as a symbol of Marcus's love for her. That is some sweet vengeance if you ask me. The question is when will he propose? It's not going to be tonight as they need to set the stone into the band. Though, it would be perfect considering the anniversary.

    Crystal and Marcus tend to celebrate many anniversaries together and it just so happens that tonight is the anniversary of when Marcus saved Crystal as seen in the flashback in Starbolts #304. They definitely have cause to celebrate these days and I'll be using the date as an opportunity for them to catch up on what they were up to while Marcus and Carter were in space. Trust me when I say Crystal had her hands full dealing with that clown. See ya next week!

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Starbolts #683: The Ballad of Marcus Johnson



    It's typical Johnson luck isn't it? He ends up telling his life story to an alien who ends up being a member of a species who descended from the dinosaurs on Earth. That's pretty wild and an altogether not unheard of concept in science fiction. We have the Voth in "Star Trek: Voyager" and we have The Silurians in "Doctor Who". There was even a cartoon about sentient dinosaurs in space called "Dinosaucers" in the 1980s! It was only a matter of time before I tossed my hat into the ring when it came to alien dinosaurs. The concept is just too much fun to think about. Now, we only met one member of the race and his name is Trakken. We can only hope other members of his species are just as amiable. Trakken seems like a good dino. We may see him again once things are calm. Hey, we may even see him at Crystal and Marcus's wedding munching on the salad bar.  You never know. Chalk him up to another amazing first contact in Starbolts history.

    Speaking of Starbolts history, this week we briefly went over Marcus and Crystal's history. Well, more Marcus than anything else. We learn a bit more about his relationship with his parents. They talked before he went with the others to Aquarius back in Starbolts #277 and the rest as they say is history. 

    I admit there was a lot to go over. It's probably best that he just skipped the nitty gritty stuff like being possessed by Demonstorm and a few others odds and ends. The dino heard the gist of it and I think that's all he needed to know. Now Carter has to explain her view on things before they can get the gem. I'm sure Marcus proved himself and now Carter is on the spot. This should be fun because we all know how much Carter *LOVES* to be the center of attention.

See ya next time!