Saturday, August 26, 2023

Starbolts #646: Hints from Medea



    Leave it to Medea to have absolutely no filter whatsoever and somehow manage to drop potential plot points for future storylines on the way out the door. Medea is one character who Sam and I love to write. I was cracking up so hard when Sam sent me the edits for this week's script. He called it the best work he had ever done on the former villain. 

    I think it's safe to say that we can call Medea an ally of the Starbolts now since she fixed Marcus, fixed Tanis and has yet to do anything remotely evil. The Starbolts still keep a close eye on her because she was once married to their first baddie, Demonstorm. It kind of makes you wonder, doesn't it? Was Medea every bit a victim of Demonstorm as she was? The answer is a resounding "yes!" in my opinion.

 Demonstorm was a tyrant and now that he's effectively out of the picture for the time being, Medea is free to finally be herself. She praised Carter's work on her son Tanis back in Starbolts #438 and that was just the beginning of his healing process. She has been on this sort of redemption tour for ages and I think she has done a great job trying to make amends for all the damage she did while under his umm...well..."thumb" is probably the best way I can put it.

    I do like her interactions with the ladies here. Cece clearly is having none of it. If Medea has no filter, then Cece is the exact opposite here. To each their own, I suppose.

    As far as Carter and her name goes....Yes. Sara is now Carter. I'll probably change that in the Starbolts' bio section at some point. I think the original Lady Liberty will love having Carter take her name as well as her mom. She was originally going to be called Carter when she was born. But, Terra Nova stepped in and we all know how that went. At least the twins are happy with their names and are ready to take the next step. Tune in next time as we start to say farewell to Terra Nova once and for all.

See ya then!

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