Saturday, June 10, 2023

Starbolts #635: The Great Escape



    It looks like Yeena was successful in her mission to free the Agents of S.T.A.R.. However, there is an uphill battle as Richard mentioned in the comic. I think Earth's mightiest will be able to take on the baddies from that prison, don't you? Of course they'll likely be joined by the Starbolts in mere moments. So, things are looking good for our heroes. Ah, but don't forget that the story isn't over, yet. We've still got a few confrontations left to go through and there's still that matter of the ghosts and that mysterious passenger to deal with. There's still more coming so stay tuned!

    Gregorio being used as a battery is rather barbaric I will admit. Picture him being sapped of his power, allowed to recharge a little bit at a time and then sapped again. It really is torture. It's going to take some time for him to recover. Let's hope that Firaxil and Richie do not meet up with the person who devised such a deadly device. Poor guy. At least he's on the mend.

    I will admit that I like the last couple panels of this week's comic. While we didn't see the entire conversation between Kyodon and Ellie, we do have an idea of what they discussed. We'll delve into more of that next time. I think it's safe to say that Ellie and her mother are going to have words. VERY strong words.

So much is going to happen in the next few comics. I hope you all enjoy the ride! The best is yet to come!

See ya next time!

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