Hails and horns!
Well, as one adventure comes to a close, it looks like another one begins. Along for the ride to Earth is Rudo. What could he be up to? We'll find out soon enough. Right now Angela's story has come to a close. But, don't worry. We WILL be revisiting her in the not too distant future. Next week we'll be seeing what Firaxil is up to. Could it tie with the current storyline? MAAYBE! Depends on how you look at it.
As far as Tanis goes, I wonder why he's going to Earth. Maybe he's looking to make amends? Maybe he's looking for a way to help Angela? Maybe it's both? Hard to say. Who doesn't love a good mystery? Actually, who doesn't love a good retribution arc? That's what this story is looking to become. See ya next time!