Saturday, March 8, 2025

Starbolts #721: Caught in the Act


    Oh, there's a lot to cover this week. Tanis's libido seems to be in overdrive and he doesn't realize it. You might sake he takes after his mother Medea in that regard. Tanis needs to slow down and it seems Heidi wants to go full throttle with their relationship. I think I can see why. 

    Heidi has had a lot of boyfriends as I illustrated during the argument her parents had. She wants someone like Tanis who'd give her stability and she won't take no for an answer. When Crystal told her to slow down, she spoke from experience. The thing is Heidi is actually more experienced than Crystal and told her off. 

    As I've said before, Crystal has only ever been with two men and one of them was a complete and utter scumbag. As a result, she played it safe on the romance front. However, Heidi doesn't know Crystal's full background. I bet once she finds out WHY she has taken things slow she'll be changing her tune. That remains to be seen. Here's hoping the two will eventually become friends. 

    For now it looks like Heidi has her heart set on Tanis and he's more than happy to reciprocate. I think next week we'll explore how the ex and her brother are reacting to their new surroundings. We'll see what the next comic brings. We may even see how her parents react to their daughter being more than just a "sliugger". Yeah, they just got another wake up call about their daughter.  Twice in one day. How are they going to handle it.

   Meanwhile, I think Crystal's faith in Tanis has been shattered. She is a big believer in second chances. So, she may have some trust issues with her friend now. That's gonna take time to heal. After all he and Heidi did have sex in the ship that brought Firaxil and his parents to Earth. That didn't go over well with Carter as we saw this week. It's definitely not going to go over well with Crystal. That's the main thing they're mad about. It's not so much the tryst. But, the place they did it could stand some scrutiny and raise a few eyebrows.

    Talk about a soap opera! More on this next time!

See ya then! 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Starbolts #720: The Case of the Ex


    Yikes! Tanis is going to be in DEEP trouble next week. Now was probably not a good time or place to have a romantic interlude. Think about it. Not only are the Starbolts on a mission to save some civilians from Cyclone. The shuttle that Carter is driving once brought Firaxil and his parents to Earth. Before it was recovered by our heroes, it was in a cave in Kentucky collecting dust while her husband was abused by the Arronfelds. The Starbolts now use it as a means to transport groups of people on the ground at high speeds since it can never fly again. It can still hover, though! 

    The only saving grace here is there Josh will likely stay out of their way. Or will he? I don't know. I was initially going to write him as a nice guy. I think we've had way too many jerk exes in the comic and so I thought Josh being nice would be a great change of pace. Well,. we'll see how that goes.

    Then we come to Heidi's brother Alex. Alex is a kid. I would say he's about fifteen or sixteen. He's got some growing up to do. We'll be seeing how he interacts with Ellie and the other kids around his age at the Academy. Since he doesn't have powers (that we know of) we can safely say he might bite off more than he can chew. 

    There's not much I can say about Heidi and Alex's parents at the moment. They seem okay. I mean they were shocked to find that their daughter is a metahuman. But, I'm sure once they talk to the Whitefoxes they'll get over it. Time will tell. For now, though? I wouldn't want to be Tanis when he gets caught by Carter....and you know he will! Remember, this is the second time he had a tryst on a mission. This is also his second chance. Yeah....Things aren't looking good for Dragonfly.

See you next time!