Saturday, December 31, 2016

Starbolts Year in Review 2016


Happy New Year, everyone! Soon this year will be over and another one begins. We all have hopes and fears about the new year. What will happen? I don't know. One thing is certain. I'll be posting comics and doing videos as always. I have a feeling we're going to need all the distractions we can get. So, what do you say we go into the new year with our heads held high and get ready to seize it. What have we got to lose?

I had a good time going back and recapping the storylines of the past year. Sure there was just two, But, it was fun going back and seeing Kyodon rampaging through the city and me spotlighting on Crystal. Next year another character is most likely going to get a spotlight. Not sure who, yet. It won't be a love story or anything like that. No, no. of the characters in the last panel is gonna be the focus soon.

Right now, though. We need to wrap up Crystal and Dennis's story arc. That will take a while. A lot of things are happening for the 'Bolts and more are coming in the new year!

Aside from comic stuff, I'll be doing videos. This January I'll have my Nova #1 review. I'll also have another review with the ever awesome Harmonica Jay. And of course there'll be cameos. Lots and lots of cameos. I also hope to have my fiftieth episode up in the new year. I have no idea what I will cover. That should be fun!

Well, there is a lot of  things to look forward to in 2017 aside from my stuff. We got a Spidey movie on the horizon, Guardians of the Galaxy, Star Wars (RIP Carrie Fisher.) and more! Sounds exciting, no? I'll leave you all with this message.

The new year may seem dark but it's up to us to find the light.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Starbolts #333: 'Tis the Season

Hail and Happy Holidays!

This year's Christmas comic was fun to do. I wanted to spin off of last week's big reveal of Cobra heading the DMA and have Crystal go solo for a bit. She taught some punks a lesson and learned a thing or two about Christmas.I also wanted to include why she was angry at the criminals so that's why the flashback is there. She never really had much growing up because her parents were seriously abusive. They just didn't care for Dennis or Crystal much.

And poor Dennis. We see him here before his transformation. That has got to be a bit of a feels trip, too. Poor guy. I've tortured him a lot in this storyline and what's coming up is going to be even more harrowing for the big guy. But, that's all in the future. Today, we got a holiday comic I hope makes you smile. Baddies got beaten up. Heroes do their thing. All in all, a good night for our heroes.

Now we go onto the future and what will that bring? Well, who can say. Just know that whatever happens it's up to us to change the world for the better. Take care and I'll see you back here next week!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Starbolts #332: Calming the Titan


Hmm. It looks like the Starbolts are in big trouble with the Department of Metahuman Affairs. It doesn't help that Cobra of Soldier Six/the Legion is the head. Now that he's out in the open, it's going to be hard to get him out. What are they going to do? Will they have to operate outside the law to save the day? Looks that way. It's going to be rough for our heroes. Very rough indeed.

Next week, we're going to take a break from the action with a holiday comic starring Crystal and Marcus. The impact of this comic will be felt for Crystal as you can see in one of the panels. I don't think she's going to be taking it laying down. Do you? Nope. No way. She's going to take action and so will Marcus.

Poor Dennis, though. I feel bad about torturing him during this storyline. Wow. Anyway, I will see you all back here next week for the Christmas comic! See ya then!

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Starbolts #331: The Witch's Familiar


I hate being sick. I'm just going to get that out there. Ever since Thanksgiving, I was feeling really bad. I couldn't sit up for a long time to work on a comic. That's why the comics were delayed for so long.  I intended for this one to go up last Saturday. This Saturday we'd have the rampage Dennis caused. We'll be getting that next week and then a Christmas comic. I'm feeling a LOT better now thanks in part to chicken soup and some good old fashioned Nyquil. Whatever I was hit with is gone and I feel worlds better now. It may have been a mild flu as I am over colds quickly. Who knows? The point is I feel better and it's back to work. I think the next time I travel I'll be wearing an environmental suit. =)

Back to the business at hand. This week we have Zarantha taking over Princess's body and manipulating Dennis into doing some bad stuff. And it looks like every person he sees looks like the Arronfelds. This is not gonna end well. Nope. No, it isn't. Next week we're gonna see some action. It's gonna be tense. And the 'Bolts are gonna be in deep trouble. Of course, it isn't really their fault. It's just that Dennis is kinda off the deep end.

Anyway, I'm back in black and feeling pretty good. Sorry for the delay, everyone! See ya next time!

Oh! I saw the Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer and loved every second of it! Can't wait for that movie!