That old black magic casts a spell on you! This week we delve a little into the backstory of Agent Smith aka Safeguard. Agent Smith, for those of you who are wondering, is not his real name. His real name will be given soon enough. Still, you have to wonder what he does as "Safeguard". That will be revealed in time, too. We only know that he's a former CIA agent who is a bit of a superhero fan. Kind of like Phil Coulson from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in a way. He's been watching the Starbolts from afar since this comic began in 2008.
I wanted him to have a connection going as far back as the first major storyline I had in this comic. I also took the opportunity to update Demonstorm, Medea and Angela with the sprites I use now when I showed the old storyline.
Fast forward to the end, it looks like Zarantha is planning something with Dennis. That can't be good. That REALLY can't be good. Want to find out what happens? Come back after the Thanksgiving break and find out! Things are going to get crazy around here!